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Practice Quiz

This quiz simulation covers the concepts you need to know to pass cybersecurity exams and certifications. See how you measure up with these 20 random questions.

  1) Technical evaluation of assurance to ensure that security requirements have been met is known as?
  2) What is the process of making digital data unreadable to unauthorized users?
  3) The best way to ensure that no data remanence of sensitive information that was stored on a DVD-R media is by
  4) What is the right time to plan for security?
   Testing Phase
   Monitoring Phase
  5) Which is concerned with identifying the root cause but also addressing the underlying issue?
   Change management
   Incident management
   Configuration management
   Problem management
  6) When receiving an email from an unknown contact that has an attachment, you should:
   Open the attachment and view the contents
   Delete the email
   Report the email as Phishing
   Forward to your personal email
  7) Triage encompasses which of the following incident response sub-phases?
   Collection, transport, testimony
   Traceback, feedback, loopback
   Detection, identification, notification
   Confidentiality, integrity, availability
  8) What is optimal placement for network based intrusion detection system (NIDS)?
   External Service Provider
   Network Operation Center (NOC)
   Network segments with business critical systems (DMZ) and certain intranet segments
   Network perimeter to alert network admins of suspicious traffic
  9) A way to defeat frequency analysis as a method to determine the key is to use what?
   Inversion ciphers
   Transposition ciphers
   Substitution ciphers
  10) Many privacy laws dictate which of the following rules?
   Individuals have a right to remove any data they do not want others to know
   Agencies do not need to ensure that the data is accurate
   Agencies need to allow all government agencies access to the data
   Agencies cannot use collected data for a purpose different from what they were collected for
  11) A SOC Type 2 report commonly covers what?
   9-month period
   12-month period
   18-month period
   Minimum of 6-month period
  12) Formal acceptance of an evaluated system by management is known as what?
  13) Which of the following can help with ensuring that only the needed logs are collected for monitoring?
   XML Parsing
  14) A disadvantage of single sign-on is?
   Consistent time-out enforcement across platforms
   A compromised password exposes all authorized resources
   Use of multiple passwords to remember
   Password change control
  15) Which item is not part of a Kerberos authentication implementation?
   Message authentication code
   Ticket granting service
   Authentication service
   Users, programs, and services
  16) In the OSI reference model, on which layer is Ethernet?
   Layer 1 - Physical layer
   Layer 2 - Data-link layer
   Layer 3 - Network layer
   Layer 4 - Transport layer
  17) Security awareness training includes?
   Legislated security compliance objectives
   Security roles and responsibilities for staff
   The high-level outcome of vulnerability assessments
   Specialized curriculum assignments, coursework and an accredited institution
  18) Which of the following best determines access of an individual?
   Partnership with security team
   Job rank or title
  19) Which factor is the most important item when it comes to ensuring security is successful in an organization?
   Senior management support
   Effective controls and implementation methods
   Updated and relevant security policies and procedures
   Security awareness by all employees
  20) If speed is preferred over resilience, which of the following RAID configurations is best?
   Raid 1
   Raid 10
   Raid 5
   Raid 0
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